App Development Agency

6 Mobile App Development Trends to Watch For in 2019

In 2015, mobile web traffic surpassed desktop for the very first time, and from that moment, we’ve been living in a mobile world.  In 2018, the number of mobile phone users reached 5.135 billion.


In 2019, we can expect some entirely new mobile app development trends or a radical change to what developers have been doing so far. Let’s see the top 6 mobile app development trends likely to take place in 2019.

1. Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

Machine Learning (ML) is set to change the app development landscape altogether with mobile apps collecting and analyzing information to conclude, learn and improve accordingly. Some of the popular ML apps in existence are Netflix, Google Maps, and Snapchat.

Speaking of AI, Siri and Alexa are some good examples to quote. According to Gartner, by 2020, 30% of the companies are expected to integrate AI with at least one of their sales processes. Thus, ML and AI are already invading the current marketplace and are likely to take a leap forward in 2019.

2. Wearable Devices and IoT

Wearable technology has become a craze, influencing almost all the industries and sectors like healthcare, fashion, and fitness industry, education, tourism and more. In US, the wearable market is growing rapidly.


2019 is thus expected to bring more Smartwatches, fitness bands, and trackers.

3. Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)

AMP is a smaller version of HTML offering better UX and retention through high-speed processing and swift page loading. Google and Guardian have been two key players in the AMP domain. Check out some related statistics:


AMP is going to become indispensable in 2019 with benefits like reduced load time leading to enhanced SEO, lower bounce rate, and higher traffic. So, get ready to enter the performance age with AMP as your tool.

4 Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)

AR has entered right into our homes with Pokemon Go being a popular example. Moreover, social media giants like Instagram and Snapchat are actively incorporating AR into their platforms to enhance UX.

Similarly, VR based app development is getting commonplace especially in retail, manufacturing, and construction sectors. It’s no surprise that the global AR and VR market is expected to shoot up from $12 billion in 2018 to about $192.7 billion in 2022 as per Statista.

5. Mobile Wallets and Payment Gateways

We’ve come a long way from cash to plastic currency to mobile wallets and digital currencies. Mobile shopping, mobile banking, and mobile payments are all becoming a preferred way of getting things done, saving both time and effort.

Mobile commerce sales are expected to account for 54% of total e-commerce sales by 2021 while Google Pay, Apple Pay are being used extensively, reflecting the shift in customer tastes and expectations.

6. Instant Apps:

Native Android apps, without the installation needs, are likely to be a trend in 2019. Users can simply access these small-size user-friendly apps that do not require downloading and installation.

The new mantra will be to use your apps instantly without getting into storage space, waiting time or connectivity hassles.

These are some of the top trends we can expect in 2019. The top mobile app development companies and gadget enthusiasts are keeping a watch on this continuously changing technology world.


In a nutshell, given the high Smartphone usage, shifting customer expectations and disruptive technologies driving the market, 2019 is going to be full of surprises for the mobile app developers. Machine Learning and AI will run the show; instant apps, mobile wallets, AMP, and wearable devices will be a norm, and AR &VR will change the way we use Smartphones.